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Arnfels and the exhibition “Štajer-mark”

Mittwoch, 22.05.2019

On May 16th, framed by the traditional Spring concert of the two partner schools Osnovna šola Šentilj and NMS Arnfels, the exhibition Štajer-mark was opened at the NMS Arnfels. In a first part of this evening, students presented sketches on the subject “time” and the schools choirs sang for the audience. In the second part, major Karl Habisch and the director of the school, Johann Held, as well as Heinrich Pfandl opened the exhibition in the school’s recreation room. What would have been next to impossible some decades or even some years ago, is now happening on the basis of mutual respect and interest without causing any friction: getting to know the neighbor from the other side of the border and taking a closer look at the neighboring region seemingly far away.  In this regard, we hope that our exhibition will stimulate further dialog between German-speaking and Slovene-speaking Styrians and provide an incentive for extended knowledge on our shared history. We would like to thank our friend David Kriebernegg, who as a former resident of Arnfels initiated the idea of transferring the exhibition to Arnfels and provided support in the implementation of this event.

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